Friday, 22 February 2008

Lag, Lost Inventory & Objects that Vanish On Rez!

If you don’t know what lag is you have clearly never been to the Second Life® world! If it wasn’t such a great place to hang out I’d have jumped ship long ago. I’m not even talking about NOW, I’m talking about more like April 2007. I know the lost inventory problems have been going on since long before I joined SL, but I learnt yet another lesson. One weekend every third item I rezzed vanished and I had quite a few customers ask for another copy of a ’No Copy’ item they had purchased, since I had suffered myself I obliged and made my decision to set everything to Copy/No Transfer.

After making this change, only a copy of the item would be eaten, as the original was still (hopefully) safely in the customers inventory! So there you have it… another valuable lesson learnt and eradicated! (also the answer to a question I have been asked time and time again - Why are your items set to No Transfer?)

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