Friday 28 March 2008

Asset Server Issues = VR Anger Issues

Having had a troublesome week and severe inability to do anything I am ploughing on and getting some odd things ready for next week. I was very naughty *grin* a couple of hours ago... I bought some more land ;0)

With the provision of a little more ground space I have been able to do some shifting and poking, pushing, lowering and pulling. The secret thing in the sky is now... no longer in the sky! wOOt!

Ok ok I'll get to the point :) I have been trying to rez a few items unsuccessfully and started feeling a little annoyed about the time I was wasting until 'return of the little blue dialog box' (does that need a ® or a ™ ?) GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr now I'm blowing steam and turning a nasty shade of green. I would add a picture of how I feel but the advice is not to change clothing, attachments or appearance ;p

Is it just me or is this happening wayyyy too often? Who wants to bet this happens on the day of the parade... errrmmmm no no I'll take that back because it may be interpreted as wagering!!

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